Taste South Tyrol – Products from the Triefer Hof

“Working in harmony with nature”


Fresh on the table and home-made specialities – There is nothing more delicious or more exquisite than fresh cows’ milk, eggs from free-range hens and from quails, self-made yoghurt and home-made jams for breakfast, or a crispy salad. You can enjoy numerous fresh farm products from our animals or our in-house farm production every day and see for yourself how much love and care, work, industry and thoroughness goes into the production and further processing of our products.
Allow yourself to indulge in the delicious Triefer Hof specialities and experience traditional South Tyrolean cuisine at the same time – choose from various homemade farmhouse bread , the traditional and ever so popular South Tyrolean dumplings, as well as freshly baked Apfelstrudel or Kaiserschmarrn (cut-up, sugared pancake with raisins)..



Connoisseur basket and breakfast at the Hof


Breakfast on the balcony with a view of the Mount Sciliar Massif

Breakfast on the balcony at sunrise or a hearty marende (hearty South Tyrolean snack) after a hike with fresh farm produce, home-made products and original South Tyrolean specialities.
Our breakfast and connoisseur baskets allow you to really pamper yourself, without needing to go shopping or get up early! You can thus enjoy high-quality products from the farm or immediate regional vicinity at any time of the day. A special reservation highlight: Order your connoisseur basket for your arrival at the same time as you reserve your apartment. Start your holiday off with a tasty culinary delight after a possibly long and strenuous journey to get here and waive the need for heavy luggage.

Click here for the connoisseur and breakfast baskets…


South Tyrolean bacon dumpling

And here’s how it’s made…